Love~4~Mastery Graduates Celebrate!
There are no words to express how proud I am of my Love~4~Mastery graduates, Carolyn Richards, Peter Veselcic, Paul Bourne, Judith Marsden and Mimi Flower!
I began my Love~4~Mastery (live, online) group as a mentorship offering to all students who had completed one of my CHEK 4-Quadrant Coaching Mastery (C4Q) workshops in either the UK or San Diego and wanted to achieve mastery.
My C4Q Coaching Mastery program is the most comprehensive, holistic program I’ve ever developed, as well as being the largest program with regard to overall content. I developed the C4Q program because, since 1995 when I started the C.H.E.K Institute, the instructors and I have trained thousands of people in corrective and high-performance exercise, Holistic Lifestyle Coaching and Personal-Professional-Spiritual Success Mastery.
Over the many years of interacting with, and serving as a consultant to, my students from a wide variety of branches of the medical, allied healthcare and exercise fields, I found that one of the key reasons their clients were hitting roadblocks in achieving their health and performance goals was an inability to effectively coach them through the many challenges that are natural to the change process.
With a significant number of clients seeking my help as their therapist/coach coming from referrals from my students, I found that the most common reason clients couldn’t achieve their dreams, goals or objectives was that the actual beliefs behind their self-limiting behaviors had not been investigated, nor addressed.
Most of the people who seek my help suffer from some form of addiction, which in my C4Q system, I define as follows:
Addiction: An addiction is any repeated behavior that produces results you don’t want.
Some common addictions my students and I work on include:
- Medical drugs
- Recreational drugs
- Sugar
- Gluten
- Food (eating) in general
- Sex and/or pornography
- Anger and violence
- Religious dogmas
- Exercise
- Negative thinking; focusing on what’s wrong
- Intensity (the need for elevated adrenaline levels to feel alive)
- The need to know
- Perfectionism
- Control
- Power
- Making money
- Work
- Victim behavior
- Childish behavior (remaining a child at an adult age)
- Self sabotage
- Prostituting themselves (working for money by doing things that don’t fulfill them)
- Being in relationships that don’t serve them because it’s less scary than being alone
- Poverty consciousness
- Gambling
- Approval from others
With addictions being so common worldwide, and having been raised with a drug addict, I could see that specific training on how to identify the actual etiology of a client’s challenging behaviors was essential to long-term results.
Once the C4Q Coach identifies the root cause of a client’s challenges, he/she applies the methods for carefully designing a healing/balancing, holistic program. An important part of the C4Q Coaching Mastery Program is learning how to effectively create a rainbow bridge. A rainbow bridge is a term used to describe progressive steps from an initial starting point (such as sugar addiction) to a dream-congruent end-point.
In addition, the C4Q Coaching Mastery Program teaches students how to identify a client’s present level of conscious development, and coach him/her scientifically to the next level of his/her conscious development. Students learn specific tips on how to guide each individual in a way that is most likely to be sustainable by their ego and social structure.
C4Q also teaches coaches from all professions (anyone who guides others, be they medical doctors, nurses, trainers, coaches, personnel managers or parents) the essential importance of a 4 Doctor (Happiness, Movement, Quiet and Diet) approach to body-mind well-being. This approach is essential today because there is a literal sea of people whose body-mind challenges remain unresolved even after years of traditional treatment approaches have been tried.
The influence of scientific materialism is such that medical/health professionals and people at large, do not see their body and mind as connected, but as separate entities. When you have a problem with your digestive organs, you see a gastroenterologist. When you have a problem with your mind, you see a psychologist or psychiatrist. Neither of these medical/health professionals generally consider the challenges each are addressing as a potential symptom for what is happening at the other end of the individual.
In actual fact – and there is now loads of solid science to objectively demonstrate this – the body and mind are like two sides of the same coin. Neither can effectively function without the other. Neither can be in a state of dysfunction, without correlating symptoms of the imbalance in the other. Sick minds produce sick bodies, and sick bodies deteriorate optimal mental-emotional function progressively.
The C4Q program also provides a practical understanding of archetypes, and how they influence the body-mind development, influence behavior, inspire us to live our dreams and facilitate legitimate spiritual growth.
Archetypes (roles) are essential elements in our individual and collective myths (life stories). C4Q teaches students the origins, structure and function of myth, and how these myths among people, tribes, nations and cultures can clash with each other, creating confusion, chaos, disharmony, pain, separation, war and death.
C4Q students are trained to identify each client’s counter-myth, which is a term that exemplifies how the events of their lives are clashing with their own internal story (myth), thus debilitating their ability to create and live their dreams, goals and objectives.
C4Q also provides essential training on the various stages of consciousness, and how to use that knowledge to create meditation practices to achieve specific body-mind results.
Being as comprehensive and expansive as the C4Q Coaching Mastery Program is, and feeling I could be of service to the world by educating people in the art and science of effective coaching, I created my Love-4-Mastery program to offer students intensive, personalized guidance with me.
The program is run via the web, so we can see and hear each other just like you do when using Skype or FaceTime, which allows students from anywhere in the world to attend. Each session is recorded and posted on a private forum for students to review as desired.
Carolyn Richards, Peter Veselcic, Paul Bourne, Judith Marsden and Mimi Flower are the amazing people who stepped forward and joined Love~4~Mastery training and completed the live 13-lesson program. Our sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes, but can go longer depending on what we are working on, and the needs of the group. Each L4M group meets with me here at my office for a final day of intensive integration training, which is their graduation ceremony.
One of our first group activities together was rock stacking. I taught my students the essentials, then we worked on creating a rock stack. It was very fun. The girls really shocked the guys with how strong they are! Great job ladies!
Art Therapy
Art therapy has been a key interest, study and practice for me for more than 10 years. It has been healing for me and helpful for many of my clients with deep inner challenges. Art therapy practices are often included in my various training programs and workshops. Not only do students love it and get a lot of healing from their art practices, many have become absolutely amazing artists.
It has been an awesome experience for me to see a student who hasn’t created art beyond pictures drawn with crayons or pencils in elementary school become inspired to practice regularly, and produce beautiful art, often with only two or three months practice!
One of our fun group activities was to do a piece of art together.
This was a practice in letting go, and having no preconceived notions, just allowing what arises to be expressed with paint. There were times when several of us were painting at once. I felt like a bee in a hive working naturally and intuitively with my students, and they with each other. It was very fun!
I love the art piece we created together.
It feels like many worlds converging to create one all-inclusive life-experience. Can you see our boat floating in the Divine Ocean?
Mandala Therapy
Mandala painting is a very therapeutic process and practice.
Mandalas (meaning wheel or circle) are often used in art therapy as a means of assessing what is arising from an individual’s unconscious mind so that a skilled therapist can help bring awareness to key issues consciously.
Mandalas can also be used to induce meditative states, serve as a means of symbolic connection to other dimensions of consciousness, or to create a specific psychic effect through the use of form and color (vibration). The mandala above is what I created in preparation for the arrival of my L4M students.
I generally connect to my soul, and ask it to connect me to any soul I’ll be working with in a healing or group function, and to convey any images, impressions, or messages to me that will be helpful if symbolized through art. The mandala above is what I created for our L4M celebration of completion for our first cycle of training.
The students grew so much, and loved their L4M experience with me and as a group so much, they decided to do a second level of training. In our next round of 13 lessons, we will be diving into Native American soul recovery practices, and a deep study and practice of key archetypes. We will also continue working with our CHEK Life Process Alchemy training and practices.
Peter Veselcic is from Germany, so he had a long plane ride to get to our celebration and integration meeting. He brought this beautiful mandala that he created for our ceremony.
Peter is also in training with a shaman in New Zealand while he’s participating in our L4M training. Fortunately, our L4M training is in harmony with his shamanic training, but takes a different approach to getting results in various areas. This is great for Peter because he’s developing a comprehensive toolbox of skills to help keep him healthy in body, mind and spirit, and share that abundance with others to support their growth and healing.
Peter’s mandala is constructed so that there are eight pie pieces to his circle. He surprised us all with a shamanic ceremony to cut and select one piece of his mandala. Then, we were asked to give that piece to the person we felt was most represented/expressed in the image. It was very fun and quite cool too.
Vidya was with us, and she chose to cut the piece (without me realizing it) that I really loved and harmonized with before I realized that Peter would be having us give them away. When it came time for the “giveaway,” Vidya handed me my favorite piece. I was quite surprised that with only one piece going to each person, and me being toward the end of the initial selection and cutting process, that “my dream piece” made it to me. So much fun!
Thanks for the lovely ceremony and beautiful gifts of your art Peter!
Mimi Flower is a woman of many talents.
All of us love having her in the group because of her incredible depth of life experiences and all the challenges she’s worked through.
Mimi told me she’d run short on time to prepare her mandala for our meeting, and had to “do it in a rush at the last minute.” This is Mimi’s idea of art done in a rush at the last minute!!
When I look at Mimi’s mandala, I feel as though I’m being sucked into her heart, and becoming one with her mind. I experience the Divine Torment of Unity becoming individuation, and how (her) Love flows powerfully in the current of complementary opposites, becoming, embracing, healing and becoming All That Is.
Carolyn’s lovely mandala is very powerful.
It is bursting with color and movement, plus there are many dimensions… just like Carolyn! Carolyn is a gym owner and a CHEK HLC 3 who has been training with me for a number of years. L4M training is important for her own life process, and to help her guide others as a friend, employer, teacher, therapist or “angel.” It was lovely to see all the color, music, love and beauty exuding from Carolyn during our L4M meeting!
Judith Marsden’s mandala is very beautiful, describing her inner process of letting all of the trapped emotions from challenging life experiences move out of her. I love the rich colors and symbols, and how you can look at it from any direction and pick up on the theme. Judith is a Level 4 CHEK Practitioner, and has been studying with me for many years, so it is lovely to have her in our L4M group to share all of her life experience and wisdom.
Making Music
I love to use drumming, rattling, Tibetan bowls and a variety of musical instruments to harmonize my body mind, and love sharing these practices with my students.
As part of our ceremony, we wrote a song with, and for, each other:
I AM Love
I AM Wisdom
I AM Beauty
I AM Direction
I AM free to be me to be me!
We spent a few hours during our time together making music and singing our song. When we all found harmony with each other, it was an incredible experience for all of us. The connection was intimate, deep, expansive and harmonious.
I felt like I was being drummed, and at the same time, I was drumming each of them. I felt myself singing to them, and could feel them singing in me, and through me. We all had such amazing experiences. Just when we were at the peak of our amazement and joy, Mimi pulled some magic out of thin air.
Mimi brought her ukulele with her and she offered to play and sing some of the healing songs she sings when assisting in shamanic medicine ceremonies. We were all blown away at the beauty of her voice and her songs. It wasn’t long before we were making our own songs and music with her as a group.
What an incredible high all of us experienced while singing and making music together. It was so natural, effortless and beautiful. Thank you for bringing your little baby and your amazing voice, Mimi! We are all excited to sing with you at our next celebration.
Our first Love-4-Mastery group integration and celebration meeting was a huge blast and a great success for all of us. Special thanks to Vidya McNeill for all her work in managing the L4M students during their training, and to Penny for doing such an amazing job of managing the meeting, feeding all of us and taking care of everyone.
Thank you to Carolyn, Peter, Judith, Paul and Peter for your love, support and willingness to grow with me. I’m very excited as we enter our second level of L4M training, and can’t wait for our next meeting!!
Thank you for sharing my blog with me today.
If you’d like to learn more about our CHEK 4-Quadrant Coaching Mastery online training program, which will be launched in July, or be put on the C.H.E.K Institute mailing list to be notified of new courses, products, blog releases and C.H.E.K Institute events, feel free to visit
Love and chi,
Paul Chek